Creative Bulletin n.146

This is one of BAD’s cards that we like the most 😍 Also the video is almost ready, we hope that we can share it with you next week!

Let’s talk about UVP.  The UVP (a sentence that summarizes the essence and uniqueness of a project or a company) is very difficult to explain and it is also one of the aspects of designing that is often underestimated.
The other night Matteo went to see a presentation of a company (he won’t name names 😅) and he was flabbergasted when he heard their UVP: it was full of “sunday words'' and meant absolutely nothing. In fact the audience sat there yawning at the speakers.

It takes constant work. We constantly reflect on what we are, what we do and how to arrive at a synthesis of our work that can be effectively explanatory but also guide us like a compass in our next strategic actions. Getting to know your company is a bit like knowing yourself: it’s a never ending endeavor and you have to have the desire and take pleasure into going as far as possible ❤️

From business plan to the research of a vision. Yesterday we jolted down a business plan that unraveled in different scenarios (which is something we suggest you do every couple of months 🦊) in order to understand what direction we should take right now. We told you that in February we would have liked to spend a couple of weeks in San Francisco looking for investors and we wanted to know exactly what we were looking for: if you don’t know what you want, it will be difficult to find 😅
At the end we realized that we don’t actually need a monetary investment - we know how to reach the maximum of what we have created -  what we need is a vision that will help us broaden our horizons. There are people who created empires starting from a book (and we have 6 😅). So, we want to go and learn how they see the world 🔥

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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