Creative Bulletin n.155

We made it with the Dall-e AI. The keyword was: “Santa Claus riding a giant black cat digital art” ❤️ if you want to see the rest of the art, you can find it here >>

New year, new product

We’re getting close to Christmas and we’re finalizing the last few details on BAD’s Kickstarter campaign, that’s our new tool for Business Aware Design. In the next email you’ll get the actual launch date 😍 We’re starting the new year with a bang!

A lesson for all of us from the intùiti course

As you might remember, we held our first course with intùiti and it went really well. A few days ago Andrea sent surveys to the participants and we received a couple of complaints that we want to share with you since, we believe, it could be good food for thought.

👉 The problem. Some people didn’t appreciate the fact that Matteo let the participants share their feelings about the cards and these feelings often were linked to personal aspects of their lives. The dissatisfaction underlined in the survey was because the money spent for the course was invested to listen to Matteo and not the other participants.

👉 Our thoughts. We were frankly surprised: we think that the added value of the course was actually that space where everybody could open up. That’s the only thing we’ll never be able to replicate. Matteo can explain over and over the cards, the archetypes, etc. But he could never come up with how others felt. Here lies the misunderstanding and the lesson: intùiti is not a simple creativity booster, it is a tool to listen to yourself. And you can’t learn to be truly interested in yourself if you’re not interested in others ❤️

🌈 Creative experiment: intuitive gift

Matteo was fed up with the whole having to think about gifts so he started an experiment: he takes long walks in the city and he picks random stores. If he finds something that makes him smile and think of one of his friends, he buys the gift and hopes that the person receiving it will smile too.
We’ll let you know if it works 😂

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
🕰 If you want to read past Bulletins, you can find them here
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🔮 Did you know that we also have a Telegram group where you can connect with other creatives?