Creative Bulletin n.167

As we often say, we are the first users of our products. In fact, when Matteo the other night, felt like he was ready to really work on his new novel, he pulled down the paintings and hung Fabula on the wall.

The funny part is that he was surprised by our own tool 😂 He kept on saying out loud: «Damn, it took me a second to set it up» and «Wow it works so well». And let’s not even get into the analog side of it (working all day in front of a computer we tend to forget that too!): he was really satisfied that he had accomplished something physical, that he could touch with his own hands, as if to make a pact to start a new project.

And talking about “case studies”, Matteo was also one of the first beta testers for Edito. He’s happy to announce that it works 🎉 The novel he edited with Edito caught the eye of a literary agent who decided to represent it!

👉 If you have any stories related to the use of our products, please write to us, we will be happy to share the love!

Also, we are:

  • Preparing the files for printing BAD;
  • Setting up the work for creating ads (that’s the first test for our teamwork skills 😂);
  • Redesigning the booth for the Turin Book Fair (yes, we'll see you there, hopefully with a Sefirot-branded foosball table);
  • Still making lots of calls with possible U.S. partners (fortunately, the San Francisco trip is a gift that keeps on giving 🍎).

🌈 Creative takeaway: get your hands dirty

The temptation to live in the world of ideas is strong. We are well aware of that. And digital reality does not is often easier to just jot something down like it were a note. Let's do it for real: draw it on a piece of paper, create a storyboard, start writing it on a well-paginated Word document, shoot some video content, set up your Fabula or Edito or Cicero, and stick post-it notes below it. We are always in time to throw everything away and do it all over again. 😅
Try it! It’s fun and it changes everything.

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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