Creative Bulletin n.216

This is the face of my traveling buddy saying: «Come on, we've done what we came here to do. Can we go home now?» LOL 😂

Yes, Sole, we’re almost done. In these past weeks, everything I hoped for came true:

  • Creative Ambush is ready. I rearranged the manual and drew all the illustrations.
  • I’m done with Mario 5’s editing. I fully dived into the manuscript in the last few days and fixed the last episode of Mario, our endless novel.
  • I made Umberto a proposal. Among the reasons why I came specifically to Lisbon was to be closer to Umberto, our Market Man, so I could make him a new offer (it happened on Friday 🤟). If you really want to work with someone, do as I do: stalk them 😂
  • I restocked my energy. Being more alone, having time to think and recap has helped me to spread out less. And when we are whole, in one piece, we have much more energy.

So, yep, we’re happy and ready to go back home.

The wrong question: have I done enough? Here in Lisbon I've had the opportunity to meet many people who are successful at what they do, and I have noticed a common pattern: they make sure they are efficient. They go to bed early, they eat healthy, they have an impeccable lifestyle, and not because they want a better life in general (at least that's how it seemed to me) but to perform better. It's not «I'm gonna go to bed because I'm tired» yet «I need to rest more to be more focused so I can achieve more».

I fell for it too 😅 The lifestyle caught me off guard. I went to sleep way earlier than my usual standards and I was happy with the idea of waking up early the next day and get doing. And I surely did do. LOL
Yet, slowly, I realized I wasn't sleeping well.

🌈 Creative takeaway: ask yourself if you’ve done enough things…that you like!
The past few days I spent writing at home and at different cafes. I binged GTO (which was hilarious), I sat on benches drinking red wine while reading a great book (The Salesman by Malamud). I ate dinner too late. I went to bed too late. One night I even passed out in bed with the book on my face and Sole on my belly.
And… I slept like a baby 🤟
Let's not ask ourselves if we've done enough, when the right question is whether we've done enough things that we like.
Otherwise, what's the point of all of this?

With ❤️,

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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