Creative Bulletin n.227

Yesterday we finally launched The Creative Ambush and it was immediately well received: over 300 copies were pre-ordered in the first few hours 🤟
You can find it here >>
And, if you missed the Creativity Workshop we had on Sunday, here is the link to the recording >>
The unpredictability of launches. When launching a new product, the truth is that you never know how it will go. Have you explained well enough what it is and how it works? Have you communicated enough? And the people you communicated to, will they really care about that product? 😂 These are the questions you hear chirping in your ears as soon as you wake up on launch day.
The energy is always different. When we launched Edito, there were dozens of people asking questions on Zoom to know how it worked. Yesterday, on the other hand, no one was saying anything and I was freaking out 😱 Then ten minutes after the launch, some people started sending me phrases from the book, which they were already reading voraciously (wow!). The beauty is that it is always different and unexpected.
Are you happy? After a few hours I started receiving messages from friends and family asking, "How did it go? Are you happy? Is it as you imagined?"
It always depends on the type of product. For BAD or Edito, which are niche tools, to sell four hundred or five hundred copies is a big success.
In this case ... I admit I am less happy. I feel an itch. I realize that The Creative Ambush is something different.
While BAD helps entrepreneurs, Edito and Fabula are for writers, and even intùiti, even if broader, is complex to the point that it is not a tool for everyone. I believe that The Creative Ambush can help a very broad spectrum of people.
In this case...I admit I am less happy. I feel an itch. I realize that The Creative Ambush is something different.
While BAD helps entrepreneurs, Edito and Fabula are for writers, and even intùiti, even if broader, is complex to the point that it is not a tool for everyone. I believe that The Creative Ambush can help a very broad spectrum of people.
And I realize that I want to reach those people. I want them to read it and benefit from it. I am so committed to the book that I feel responsible to make it successful, and I feel like pushing and shoving to make it happen. Then again, I think that's what an independent publishing house is supposed to do 😅
🌈 Creative takeaway: getting together is always a good idea
Yesterday I invited a few friends over, we went to lunch at a restaurant, we toasted, ate, had a good time, and then we went home and got online for the launch.
I could have done it all by myself, with a series of preset emails, however, I am convinced that what I will cherish the most about the day we launched The Creative Ambush, is my friends' faces while having lunch together. Thank you to everyone who shared this moment with me ❤️
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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