Creative Bulletin n.241

Creative Bulletin n.241

I often speak about my spiritual teacher. Those who have followed me for a while know this. She was the one who helped me develop intùiti, taught me to be mindful, to tell the truth, and who, more than anyone else, helped shape who I am today.

I no longer have a teacher. After thirteen years, we had an argument a few weeks ago, and we haven't spoken since. It happened a month after she told me, "I'm no longer your teacher; you don't need me anymore. I see that now you can do it on your own."

I’d like to believe that our argument is her final lesson, a sophisticated strategy to let me go. Time will tell.

A great chance. The Creative Ambush is infused with so much of her influence, especially the impact her teachings have had on me. Over the years, she opened my eyes and heart, trained me to find a needle in a haystack, and gave me the courage to dive deep within myself. Without her, The Ambush wouldn't have the same depth, because I wouldn’t have the same depth. And I will never stop thanking her for that.

She believed that certain lessons couldn’t be passed on through a book. They had to be experienced firsthand. But, being the rebel I am, I tried anyway. I poured myself into these pages, my journey, my transformation, hoping to be a living proof that at some point the reader might pause and say, "So it's possible. If he did it, I can do it too."

It’s a beginning, a door to the hope of becoming who you want to be. I truly hope with all my heart that you open it.

🌈 Creative Takeaway: Growing Up

I used to think that growing up meant becoming an adult, being responsible; or perhaps becoming famous or important. Today, I believe that growing up means becoming alone, no longer relying on mentors or parents, and being free to surpass them, to go where they don't like or where they haven’t dared to go, and to take that different path, our path.
This Sunday, I turn thirty-seven.
I hope I'm ready.

With ❤️,

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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