Creative Bulletin n.244

Here we’re working on new products. Can we all agree that this is a branding tool? 😂

The plan for 2025. I'm preparing to expand as much as possible. We're working to launch a new product each month for the first six months of the new year (one in January, one in February, and so on—it’s going to be exciting!).

Here’s what’s coming:

  • Brando, for branding;
  • holaciao, for language learning;
  • Fabula for Non-fiction (oh yes, it’s really happening);
  • BriteBox, for corporate workshops;
  • A generative tool for naming (haven’t come up with a name for it yet, obviously 😂);
  • A framework for building Facebook ads, which is the skill that helped spread Sefirot. Now it’s time to share it to help other projects like ours.

It turned out easier than expected. Eight months ago, I was in a bar in Lisbon with Umberto, on the verge of tears because the old products weren’t selling well, and I was being a snob about the new ideas, thinking they weren’t “enough”. Enough of what, I have no idea.

Umberto helped me reconnect with reality (and I’m grateful). He asked, "Would you rather sit here feeling sorry for yourself, trying to figure out how to sell the old products, or create new ones that can truly bring value to the world?"

It made me realize how foolish I was being 😅 Honestly, something clicked that night, and I started having fun developing these new tools. And it was really… easy.

🌈 Creative takeaway: Let’s seize every opportunity we have to express ourselves.

There’s a tendency to be critical of our ideas. We want that lightning bolt of inspiration, to feel the divine mission behind a project. But maybe we could be more open than that.
Can you believe that when I started writing The Creative Ambush I thought it would just be my personal outlet? A little manual and nothing more. Haha. And what about all those masterpieces we admire, which were commissioned from artists? Think about it: they weren’t struck by inspiration; they were hired to create them. We don’t know where creativity will come from.
So let’s stop being snobs. Our agent suggests we write a detective novel? A publisher commissions us to make a game? A client proposes a quirky project? Why not! Let’s take the opportunity to express ourselves, and who knows, maybe inspiration will strike along the way 😉

With ❤️,

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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