Creative Bulletin n.245

Creative Bulletin n.245

My to-do list, with all its deadlines, is dedicated entirely to developing new products. On top of that, I still have to deal with regular management tasks—and unfortunately, the unexpected ones too—the kind that waste your time and make you want to scream 😅

Eyes on the ball. I’m trying to stay focused on the goal I’ve set for myself: launching six new products in 2025. To achieve this, I’m working mostly on time management and how I tackle challenges.

I realize it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and I’m making a conscious effort not to scatter my focus as I usually do by working in an erratic way. Perhaps my most important milestone is this very bulletin: up until last month, I was writing it at night between Tuesday and Wednesday, only to find myself exhausted by midweek. Now I tackle it on Tuesday mornings, and it feels like a completely different experience.

Generating energy. I don’t have much to report. I’m laying one brick at a time and making sure the foundation is solid. When we’re in these creative phases—like writing a page or two of a novel every day—there’s not much that feels particularly glorious. It’s humble, behind-the-scenes work.

But energy is being set in motion. We’re chopping wood, preparing the fire, and blowing gently as it starts to catch. That’s what it takes to make it roar to life.

🌈 Creative takeaway: eliminate everything that drains your energy

This era robs us of attention every second—it’s a constant barrage of interruptions. WhatsApp messages, social media notifications, global news, emails from suppliers and clients. Anyone can disturb us with a single click, effortlessly. The time it takes for communications to reach us has vanished, and we’re at the mercy of the world.
I’ve realized I give too much attention to things that deplete me, and not nearly enough to what could nourish me instead. So I’m eliminating, one by one, all the unnecessary stimuli.
It’s a wonderful autumn cleaning 🌹

With ❤️,

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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