Creative Bulletin n.76

Creative Bulletin n.76

The test copies of Fabula Deck for Kids have arrived and they are just perfect 🎉🎉🎉 The production is ready and soon we will start shipping the copies to all our Kickstarter backers (thanks again for the support ❤️)

🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week

  • We fixed a lot of boring little things (those are inevitable 😂)
  • We are almost finished with the first draft of Fabula for Editing booklet: it gave us a hard time but we are at a good point!
  • We are designing a video course for the advanced use of Fabula and we would like to know what you think. If you have three minutes, here's one of our famous polls 😘 >>

🦊🦊🦊 Methodology: define the problem

Defining the real problem to be solved is the second point of the Design Thinking process: first we study the context deeply, observing and interviewing users (that’s called the Empathy phase); then the problem is defined (Define) in order to come up with a solution (Ideate). It sounds trivial, however too often we underestimate the first stage and focus on the wrong problem.

For Example: Last week we ran into a problem with bookstore distribution. A representative of a well-known chain told us that their booksellers did not want to open a channel with a new supplier (us) and that it would have been better if we would affiliate with one of the major distributors. The problem was "You cannot secure a presence in the bookstore if you are not represented by a distributor", so we worked on the only possible solution "Affiliate with a distributor" and we discovered that the conditions were unsustainable and the solution impractical. What do we do? Do we give up?

No, we go back to the Empathy phase.
Why isn't it convenient for booksellers to open a new channel? Do they have contracts with distributors or are they dealing with franchise restrictions? We did some interviews and, when addressing the booksellers directly, we discovered what the real problem is: "It is complicated and messy to have a new supplier, if I have to manage it manually with emails and phone calls". The scenario has changed completely. The new solution can be "Building a management software for bookstores, with which they can easily manage Sefirot orders", a solution that would also facilitate our work! So: let's get to work, we have a platform to build 😂

🌈 Creative takeaway: let’s look for the real problem, don’t focus on the apparent one!

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea from Sefirot

🍕🍕🍕 Tip to use intùiti

We don’t know if you’re aware, but there is an online experience for using intùiti on The platform proposes the very first exercise that Matteo does during workshops: choose three cards, one for your current situation (where you feel you’re at), one for the desired situation (where you would like to be) and one for what we need in order to move from one situation to another.

👉 The first part of this exercise is to verbalize and explain out loud where we are, where we want to be and what could help us. You can do this alone, or with friends over dinner, it's a great way to start a deeper conversation than usual. As a bonus, if you get to the bottom of the online experience, you will find some of the suggestions that Matteo wrote: these short fables are based on the meanings of the archetypes and are also incentives to go deeper in your thoughts and reflections!

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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