Creative Bulletin n.104

Here’s a little preview of the cards’ outline of BAD, our Business-Aware Design tool. Cheers to Studiolabo who did an amazing job 🚀
🦊🦊🦊 Nice things that happened this week
- We met a couple of professional screenwriters because we would like to adapt Mario into a script and make a movie out of it (huhu 😅) and guess what? They were familiar with our products!
- Talking about Mario, we’re reading the English version of the novel translated by the super talented Alizé. International market get ready cause Mario is coming! (On this note, if anyone needs to translate their novel to Italian, Alizé is open to get new clients – we vouch for her 😉 write us and we can link you up)
- Fabula for Kids is among the 10 books recommended by the Salone di Milano 🎉🎉🎉 >>
🍓🍓🍓 Creative thoughts
One of our problems, that became quite clear this past week, is that we got carried away with Sefirot 😂 Truth is we didn’t wake up one morning thinking that we wanted to start a publishing company. We had three products that we believed in – intùiti, Fabula e Cicero – and we created Sefirot in order to have a billing body to sell them; it was only after that we said: «Damn, we opened a publishing house!» We found ourselves in a bizarre situation: almost as if we were passionate about cooking and we decided to put a sign under our patio saying that we make dishes for passersby and after six months we were worrying about how to get the restaurant going
👉 Our dream was not to worry about Sefirot, but to worry about the products. It sounds the same, but it’s not: there’s a thin gap that can make a difference between frustration and happiness. For those of you who are experiencing the same thing, hit us up so we can talk about it!
🐈🐈🐈 What we’ve learned
For a couple of weeks Matteo has been toying around with Mario’s script. He realized that he is not a screenwriter (yet 😂), that the risk of writing something shitty is high and that he needs help. That’s why Alizé, who works in the independent cinema realm, started asking her contacts if anyone knew professional screenwriters in Turin. A couple of days later the appointments were rolling in: sitting at the same ol’ bar we talked about how to turn Mario into a film!
🌈 Takeaway: create the door you want opportunity to knock on
We’ve all heard the saying «Opportunity only knocks once, you have to be ready to open!» and we often complain that the world is standing still and there are no doors and no one is knocking. What we realized (and it was a huge surprise) is that if you walk into the world carrying your project, the world answers! There are like-minded people ready to knock at your door. You built the door to knock on 😉
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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