Creative Bulletin n.112

We wanted to show a screenshot of the latest Excel file that made us literally cry, but these new illustrations for Edito are just too cool and we thought they deserved to be shown instead 😂
🦊🦊🦊 What we’ve been up to this week
- Andrea worked on BAD’s editorial rules, that’s our tool for Business-Aware Design, and he focused mainly on a very important theme that is the use of English terms in Italian, like pain point, key user, competitive strategy. Since there isn’t a translation for these terms that is widely accepted and in use, he decided not to come up with random neologisms and to stick to English. It’s also an educational choice: in most working environments these terms are actually used in English!
- We lost sleep over understanding how to adhere to the flat-rate VAT system for publishers (the Excel file we mentioned above is exactly about this!) but we did it: tonight we’ll go out to celebrate with our accountant 😂
- Matteo started writing Mario4 (yep, it looks like he’s slowly convincing himself that he really wants to be a writer 🚀)
🙏🙏🙏 Thank you for your support
Last week we asked for names and contacts for printing companies and Personal Assistant candidates, and we received dozens of suggestions and resumes. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We’ll try to reply to all ❤️
🐈🐈🐈 What we’ve learned
Last weekend Matteo went to see his Teacher to work on Communication. The goal was to learn how to read between the lines, to spot the unsaid, to pinpoint intentions and what is implied, the reasons hidden in a sentence, in a word, in a simple gesture. And then to go deeper, to look for the truth and for confrontation.
It was unbelievable to find out how many words we are able to use to hide what we would really like to say 😭 And how much this defense mechanism could lead astray both us and the people close to us.
Andrea, for example, feels that in juggling his job as a teacher and Sefirot he has too many things to do and he often says «I can’t wait for June to arrive…» or «This month has been terrible but from next month...» Matteo had pointed out that he did the same last year, when he was only working for the company: «I can’t wait for December to be over…», and the message that whoever is listening gets is «I’m not happy about what I’m doing. I’m not happy about the present. I live in the future».
🌈 Takeaway: have the courage to pay attention to yourself.
If Andrea doesn’t realize what makes him feel shitty today, he will never be able to live in the present, he will keep on waiting to live someone else's life. And that goes for all of us.
What’s really behind that constant complaint? What are we saying now that is not what we really want to say? Let’s ask a friend to listen to us and to be tough on us, so we can really go beyond, even beyond words. This kind of attention might save us from a life that is going in the wrong direction: maybe we’ll find out that we’re not comfortable in our team at work, or that we want something completely different, we want to be shoemakers, writers, actresses…
So…what are you waiting for? Pay attention and your renaissance might be around the corner! 😉
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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