Creative Bulletin n.120

We’re working on the new stand for the Turin Book Fair. We’re about to reach the finish line: today we’ll send the guidelines for the neon sign. Yep, that thing on the top right is the famous two meters long sign. Next year we’ll try to fulfill the dream of having giant rotating decks hanging over the stand ❤️ (or even to build a movable structure, it is a pity that half of the stand gets thrown away at the end of the fair).
The universe answers. After the last bulletin was sent out, a coach wrote to Matteo telling him that he is probably suffering from chronic stress; the coach then was generous enough to offer free sessions to help him avoid a new burnout (Matteo will do his first session next week!). A month ago, when Matteo told Andrea the truth, that he felt lonely and needed support (Andrea has been working as a full-time highschool teacher so his involvement is part-time), the first one to answer was Giulia, the best help we could hope for. How many times have we felt that the universe had abandoned us and was not giving us what we needed? Well, how about we look at how many times we don’t tell the truth, maybe out of fear, pride, shame and whatnot. In that case, the universe will give back nothing more than a fistful of flies.
Real resistance comes from deep within. It’s too easy to think «I can’t write those last two chapters because I have no time». Or ‘cause I’m lacking inspiration, or because I don’t have enough stillness and quiet around me. That project is not shaping up because my mood is not right. Let’s be honest: it’s all bullshit. That’s not creativity. A creative VIBRATES. And when you vibrate everything runs smoothly: every place and every hour of the day are the right ones to write, paint, design etc. The dam opens and there’s no stopping the water. If there’s a block in doing, there’s something deeper there. Let’s ask ourselves why we are not vibrating: what are we scared about, what did we lose, what do we believe in. Let’s dive in. If deep down we are afraid of upsetting our parents with what we are writing, or to offend our partners who maybe have given up on their dreams, or we are afraid of success…well, where do we think we’re going? How can we truly be creative operating under these circumstances? And there’s no Fabula that can help, there's no method or structure that can work. We must have the courage to go deeper.
What works for us is using intùiti daring to ask risky questions (in this regard, Matteo should look into why he won’t organize a book tour for Mario 😅).
The unexplainable exists, and it works. We’re gonna let you in on a secret. When we use intùiti, we do it by laying the cards face down and picking randomly the ones that call us. And the cards that come out are always the right ones, the ones that help us see the truth and that have changed our lives more than once. It is something unexplainable, yes, totally unexplainable. And we don’t care: it works, so we’ll keep on doing it.
We’re not asking you to believe it, we suggest you try it yourselves and then, if you want, share the results with us 😉
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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