Creative Bulletin n.132

This week we are putting the finishing touches on two products: Matteo is working on BAD’s manual layout, our new tool for Business Aware Design (you can see it on the screenshot above 🌟) while Andrea is running tests on Scaffold, the tool created for teachers. Closing circles is always an exciting feeling: it means that soon we will be able to focus on something new 😉
BAD is already going out in the world. The tool is not out yet and we’re already getting requests for workshops ❤️ We’ll be at the Intersection Conference with BAD in October. We’ll share more details soon!
Worried about resources. In the last year and a half the company struggled. First covid, then war, then ios14 made Facebook ads way more expensive. If we used to easily make 10, we started making 5 and struggling for it. The worst part is that this issue started messing with our heads and with our time: we spent more and more time on communication, ads, etc almost as if the idea of making less money scared us and became an obsession.
👉 What’s absurd, and we finally realized it, is that making more money just for the sake of it is a road that leads straight to a grim and directionless life. We asked ourselves: «Why do we want to go back to that 10 so much? Why do we need it?»
Desire comes first, resources will follow. How do we want to live? And what do we need to live like that? If we don’t have an answer to those questions, we become zombies who strive to accumulate and who work just out of habit. That’s when resources lose importance.
Doing it. We’re trying: we forced us to find an answer to the above mentioned questions. We want to dedicate our time to creativity and to developing our products. Andrea was spot on yesterday over the phone when he told Matteo: «If you were in a rush while making intùiti, the product wouldn’t be as energetically strong as it is. Same goes for Fabula: we took our time developing it and you can feel the devotion in it». Something resonates there: we want to feel free to do what we want, how we want, taking the necessary time to do it well; and in order to have that freedom we have to have resources constantly pouring in. Let’s be honest: the 10 we used to make two years ago is not enough, we want way more – 20, 30, 40! – money serving creativity. It means to have funds to pay the best illustrators out there, the best consultants to come up with the best possible version of the product free of any compromise. It means being generous and investing time in free workshops and free content. Basically we want to be creative to the nth degree 😂
And now that we know, we can focus on resources 🚀
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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