Creative Bulletin n.139

We were notified that Edito’s first production is officially ready 🙏 The decks have been packed and are about to sail towards our warehouse 🚢
🦊🦊🦊 What we’re up to
We’re back from the holidays and it’s time to tackle all of the tasks we left behind:
- Andrea is done with Scaffold’s manual, the tool we created for teachers, and in the next few weeks we’ll work on the creative direction of the project 🌹
- Matteo received the first pictures of BAD’s prototype, our tool for Business Aware Design. Next week it’ll finally be hereeeeeeeeee 😍 We can hardly wait!
- We were invited to hold a series of lectures for a university in Mexico (so cool!). Maybe we’ll get the chance to go there in person.
🔥🔥🔥 Future direction: educational
Andrea is back full time in Sefirot and he will employ his experience as a teacher to work on the structure of an academy dedicated to the subjects that we have already tackled with our tools (creativity, storytelling, public speaking etc.). We’ll soon be ready with the first intùiti course ❤️
🌈 Creative takeaway: superficiality is subtle and lurks everywhere
We have always prided ourselves on making meaningful, valuable, useful and effective products. If a product doesn't have those features, we just don't put it out on the market.
Yet we have found that our products are often not used to their full potential. Sometimes we got upset about it, but then we realized that… it’s our own fault (ops 😅) We released complex tools but we put it out in a superficial way (we said: Here! Use it! And we sort of forgot about it). Did you know that Cicero can be used to write successful landing pages? Fabula can be used to structure a romantic novel. Even a thriller or a novel without a structure (we know it seems like a contradiction, but it’s true 😂). There are entire realities hidden in our products and we have taken them for granted.
👉 Those adjectives - meaningful, useful, effective - are not to be employed only for the product; they must also become keywords for the entire experience. This is why we are ready to fix this issue by producing content, lessons and lectures that will unveil the entirety of our products and bring the experience on a whole new level 🚀 You’ll see how much you’ll discover!
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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🔮 Did you know that we also have a Telegram group where you can connect with other creatives?