Creative bulletin n.193

Last weekend I was in Bologna as a guest at Hacking Creativity Unplugged, the first physical podcast event that I highly recommend you follow (if your Italian is any good)😉
I presented BAD to an audience of more than 120 people and I was as comfortable as I've ever been before, thanks also to Edo, one of the organizers, who was my wingman throughout the talk 🙏 I felt in my place.
In the evening a girl asked me for an intùiti session; people started joining the table and we went on until 11 pm talking about creative blocks and dreams.
A craving for meeting. Needless to say, the whole week was about exchange. I saw people I hadn't seen in a long time and met new ones, and I rediscovered the power and magic of sitting down at a table to imagine collaborations. Not only that, I tried picking up the phone to ask for what I needed and found people on the other end ready to help me ❤️
🌈 Creative takeaway: networking is opening up to the world.
I have always snubbed networking, seeing it as an eternal happy hour where I shake as many hands as possible with no real point. And I have often coupled this feeling with some sort of arrogance that made me say: «I’ll just do it myself. I can lock myself in my room to create, I don't need anyone».
This week, however, something clicked. I sensed the vitality behind networking, that awe of thinking about a person and calling him or her to say, «I want to do something with you» or «I think you can help me with this problem» and feeling a light at the other end when our interlocutor responds, «Wow! Let me think how to do that».
It is not just shaking hands.
It is opening up to the possibility of finding new fellow travelers. It is throwing the front door open, shouting and finding that someone will respond and is willing to come down and play with you 🔥
With ❤️,
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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