Creative Bulletin n.204

I spent this past week up in the mountains with my teacher. As you can see from the photos, it served as a recharging moment (both for me and for Sole 😅), and I took the opportunity to work on the concept of Shadow. The painting on the right represents my shadow at this time: a man on the summit of a volcano who can see a new world and is looking for the strength to light it up.
Your shadow. It is that part of you that you've pushed away, out of fear, lack of acceptance, discomfort, and that you need to integrate if you don't want to lose a chunk of your energy. It seems frightening or negative until you pull it out of the shadow.
If you want to explore it you could do it using colors and brushes (you don’t need to be a pro painter) and let the images come up.
That’s what I did.
A new world. I'm envisioning a new landscape for Sefirot, because we can't just sit there locked in our offices making new products. That would be the opposite of creative 😉 So here's some ideas/visions:
- Consulting. Next month we will really be making the possibility of having an interaction with us an option . Private intùiti sessions, counseling on creative projects, initiating a project, etc.
- An UberBulletin? I asked my teacher to direct a Sefirot magazine, with articles on self-expression, exercises and teachings to be more creative and authentic. It could turn to be some sort of boosted bulletin (we would have to charge a fee for it to keep an editorial staff). We were thrilled with the idea. What do you guys think?
- Turin Book Fair yes or no? I am considering "boycotting" the Turin Book Fair this year 😂 After all, it is a tremendous hassle and it has never really brought too much return. And I want to know how it will feel to not be there after three years!
- Two months in Lisbon. I feel like Turin is closing up on me, I need air. And in Lisbon there is our legendary Market Man Umberto with whom I would like to work more closely. So I'm looking for apartments to go there with Sole ❤️
🌈 Creative takeaway: it’s never ending
My first thought is: «Damn, I feel like I just settled here in Turin. I built a company that is working well. Can’t I stop for a second?»
The answer is no. The answer is no. If the energy starts to become stagnant you have to get it moving again, otherwise nothing happens. Scary? Yes. Challenging? Also.
But it is also an adventure that never ends.
And it feels so good 🌟
With ❤️,
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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