Creative Bulletin n.215

Simone, our videomaker, came to see Umberto and I in Lisbon and I took him to this terrace on the first night so he could have a taste of aguardente (it killed us 😂). Instead of the pic you see above there should have been one of the three of us, but as usual we forgot to snap one!
Creative Ambush is done. My handbook on creativity, the fruit of the last five months of work, is completed 🍷 A few layout details are missing but most of it is done. I will send out a survey for those who want to be beta readers. Get ready!
Intùiti in Lisbon. Intùiti readings are up and running here in Lisbon. For two years now, every Wednesday evening I have been holding group sessions open to everyone, so I am renewing the invitation. If you are around, don't be shy: reply to this email and you'll be more than welcome!
Spreading creativity. The other morning I went to the usual coffee shop where I sit down to work. One of the waiters was standing outside, he recognized me and we started chatting. At one point he said to me «I work here but I would like to design video games, however, I find it difficult to be able to do it for real».
I told him that when I worked in the advertising agency I used to have the same problem. Then one day I couldn't take it anymore and I dived in. It was do or die. In the end it worked out well for me, now I have my own creative company. And if I did it, I added, so can you.
His eyes lit up and he started shouting in the middle of the street, «I was depressed today. I went out waiting for a sign. And here you are telling me that it can be done. The universe sent you!»
Seeing him so happy made me happy too. I thought that when we can do something, we do it not only for us, but also for those like us who are looking forward to doing the same ⭐️
🌈 Creative takeaway: get rid of what weighs you down
Those who sell products online are burdened by the rising costs of advertising. That's the constant thought that has plagued me for the past few years.
Saturday morning, for the first time, I didn't think about how to solve this problem. I tried to eliminate it altogether. I opened an Excel file and speculated about a Sefirot that worked without ads.
And… It's doable 😂 It made me feel stronger and much more confident in my potential.
Sometimes we don't have to try to make what weighs us down work.
We have to get rid of it altogether.
With ❤️,
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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