Creative Bulletin n.218

My trip to Lisbon is coming to an end: tomorrow I will return to Turin 🤟
What I learned from this experience:
🔥 The intent behind what we do defines our lives.
I went with the idea to focus, to work hard and figure out what direction should the company take, and at some point I found myself just working and thinking: «If I had to go on a retreat, wasn't it better if I went to the countryside?» 😅
I learned that we have to be very careful about the intention with which we move to another city, with which we start a project, with which we wake up in the morning, because that intention is going to shape our life in a very specific way.
Do we want to make more money? To be recognized, to be famous, to perform better? These are intentions that could lead us astray, to do what we don't like.
Instead, let's try saying to ourselves in the morning: «Today I want to feel good». It could work miracles 😅
🔥 Creativity goes beyond means
in the pic above you can see my notebook, on which I started writing a new novel. I almost never write by hand, usually I jot down just a few notes, sketch out the structure, then switch to the laptop. But this time it's different: I write out passages from the outline and then find myself throwing down five or six pages without being able to stop; the narrator's voice talking in my head.
I thought about how often we limit ourselves by believing that in order to write, paint, compose, express ourselves, we need a certain tool or certain conditions… nonsense. When the river is full, it runs and you can’t stop it 🤟
🌈 Creative takeaway: in the end the most important person to nurture is us
I met a lot of new people on this trip - rich, modest, successful, happy, less happy, stuck, on the run, sad, cheerful - and it gets more and more clear for me that there is one trait that unites us all: that it matters very little what we do to earn or establish ourselves, compared to what we do to nurture the most intimate part of us.
Creativity allows just that: to express ourselves, to be us. So let's give ourselves some time to write, paint, sculpt, design, play music, cook or whatever else we like to do.
Without that, what's the flavor in life? 😊
With ❤️,
P.s.Good news: the TV series we sponsored will be released soon! The structure has been validated with Fabula and has already won several awards in festivals around the world 🤟 You can see the trailer here >>
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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