Creative Bulletin n.236

Creative Bulletin n.236

Every morning, before I start my day, I light a candle and write for a couple of hours. Right now, I’m working on a fantasy novel with a magical investigator as the main character.

Why do I do this? Why spend my time this way? I’ve already written two other novels, and no publisher wanted them. Am I being foolish? 😂

What to plant? This is one of the biggest challenges for a creative person, especially when you have lots of ideas. What should I focus on? Where should I invest my energy and time? Should I work on something I love or something with market potential that could sell and succeed?

What if we started planting ourselves? Sure, it might be more practical for me to write a new manual or dedicate all my time to developing new Sefirot products, but that’s not the point.

I love writing. And right now, I want to write a story about wizards, witches, and demons. It nourishes me and gives me the strength to tackle everything else.

Every time I write something new, I improve, I refine my skills. Over the past two and a half years, I’ve lit that candle every day, and that’s how I’ve written six novels. Without this “self-cultivation,” I would never have been able to write The Creative Ambush.

🌈 Creative takeaway: We are the ones who give value to what we do

If these fantasy novels never get published, in a few years I could look back and think, “What a waste of time.” Or, I could remember how fulfilling it was to work on them and how much they helped me grow as a writer.
We have the power to define the value of our projects. Are they just failures, foolish pursuits, hopeless dreams? Or are they nourishment, vital pieces of a bigger picture, essential steps in becoming who we are meant to be, valuable lessons, and, most importantly, moments of true expression?
What value do we want to assign to our journey?

With ❤️,

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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