Creative Bulletin n.263

Where Do Ideas Come From?
How is it that one day we wake up, have breakfast, start walking to work, and—there it is: the idea for a novel, a painting, a project, a film, or a recipe? Like a flower along our path, we can choose to pick it up or ignore it and keep walking.
Who knows where the seed came from? It doesn’t really matter—if we don’t take it home, maybe someone else will.
Our life is always a blank page, full of possibilities. And depending on the idea that comes our way and the one we choose to embrace, everything can change.
Even now, in my work, every day feels new. And ideas aren’t just for new products but also for strategies, corporate restructuring, implementing new technologies—the list goes on.
And every time I feel down for some reason, exhausted, or stuck, I remind myself that the page is still blank. There’s always room, and somewhere out there, a seed is being carried by the wind, ready to take root. All I have to do is walk and keep my eyes open.
🌈 Creative Takeaway: Stay naïve and open.
Sometimes we make creativity harder than it really is—but it’s not. In reality, it’s simple. There are infinite ideas floating up there somewhere, and sooner or later, they’ll find us. It sounds like a fairy tale, I know, but who cares? It’s a real fairy tale, and it’s worth believing in.
Never, ever stop believing.
With ❤️,
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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