Creative Bulletin n.74

Here’s the results from last week’ survey:
First of all we’d like to thank all of those who replied (you were 121!), Especially those who complimented us (nice words warm our hearts 😍).
🐈🐈🐈 A quick parenthesis on methodology: why did we do a survey?
The survey is one of the most common tools of any user-centered approach (the are called this way because they have the user and his/her needs at the center). Most of the processes you have heard of – Design Thinking, UX Design, Lean Process – are actually user-centered. What happens is that users are studied or they are asked for their opinion with the aim of providing products and services in line with their needs and expectations.
A User-centered approach is popular not only because it helps develop more useful products but above all because it reduces entrepreneurial risks. Think about it: if you were to invest all your money on an idea, wouldn't you want to test a prototype with users before producing it? 😂
Now let's take a look at the dark side of the force: most businesses only care about generating as much revenue as possible, no matter how, and they use user-centered processes to treat us like spoiled children and give us just what we say we want the most. Did you know that Instagram was originally called Burbn and was meant for something else entirely? Then they found that users only really wanted to share photos so they changed direction. Did you know that Netflix cancels shows that don't have enough views? They are interested in producing what users like best, not offering users what they, as a company, think is worth putting out.
But we’re not here to judge: let's say that following a user-centered approach, when it comes to business, is the safest choice. The opposite of that – doing your own thing – is called genius design, and it is risky and can end very badly.
🦊🦊🦊 What we decided to do: take a stand
We read your answers very carefully and they have helped us to make a choice: we have decided that we will not please many of you 😂
- The Bulletin is not a business venture nor it ever will be (some have interpreted it that way, but we can tell you that the conversion rate is 3%, which is pretty low, and our revenues come from totally different channels). It is a free service that we give out or fun, so we can take the risk and do what pleases us, we can be be a bit out of the box 🤗
- We write the Bulletin so we can infect you, tease you, and tell you all about our difficulties, so you can feel less alone and maybe you get to write your own bulletin; and we’re really happy because it seems like we’re succeeding in that. These are some of the things you wrote to us: «it is a breath of fresh air», «it gives me inspiration and courage», «it takes me inside of the creative process», «it makes me want to be more creative». That was exactly our goal!
- We write it as a recap and also to celebrate ourselves, someone pointed out this last part to us. Well, guilty as charged and we do it because too often we forget about it (and take this as an invitation to do it too). How many things have you accomplished this week and you haven't even said a "Good job! That was well done!"?
- We write it and we’ll keep on writing them. Forget about videos 😅 we like to write, we pour our souls into it, so take good care of it. If you don’t have time to read, why do publishers even exist?
- We’ll stick to the one time a week formula. We know that numbers are against us but, if even one of you would have asked for it every week, we would have listened. After all, everybody else can just read one every two bulletins 😂
- We’ll make sure to add more practical notions about methods that we employ and how to use our products.
- We will always be transparent, we’ll not trick you, and we’ll give what we believe it’s important which will not necessarily match with what you would like to hear (whatever it costs!). And, if you don’t like it, there’s the blue unsubscribe button right below. No hard feelings 😉
Talk to you next week!
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea from Sefirot
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*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
🕰 If you want to read past Bulletins, you can find them here
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🔮 Did you know that we also have a Telegram group where you can connect with other creatives?