Creative Bulletin n.79

Creative Bulletin n.79

Yesterday we went to the recording studio to work on Fabula's video course 😎

🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week

  • We have reviewed tons of book and movie analyzes made with Fabula to make sure we won’t say anything stupid in the course 😂
  • We did a bunch of meetings with entrepreneurs, design and marketing experts to validate the first hypotheses on the new product we are working on. It will be a tool for Business-Aware Design, in order to design while being aware of how to generate value. We thought about calling it B.A.D. canvas, what do you think? 😉
  • We decided to "give back" some of what we received to the world of creatives, so...

🎉🎉🎉 We funded an indie TV series!

It will be called Imposter and it was created by an Italian actress-writer that Matteo met in Los Angeles. As soon as we saw the (beautiful) presentation video, we contacted her and decided to help the project by becoming  Executive Producers: we are contributing with $ 5,000 and we’ll help them validate the structure of the script with Fabula.

It's a project we recognize in: it's brave, it's about the difficulty of being creative, and it's independent - instead of waiting for some production company to buy it, the team decided to go at it alone through crowdfunding!

You can see the presentation here ❤️ >>

🦊🦊🦊 Methodology: how to innovate a business model

In a project there are different aspects you can innovate: the product (let's make a Fabula 2.0), the processes (we find a way to maximize shipments) or the business model (instead of selling to final consumers, we sell directly to companies). Did you know that the greatest possible impact you can see is in business model innovation?

How to innovate a business model

According to a very intriguing book called Business Model Navigator, there are 4 variables: What (what we generate), Who (to whom it is given), How (how it is given) and Why (why we increase value from this model). For example, we produce tools for creativity (What), sell them through web platforms (How) to final consumers (Who) and get value through the purchase (Why). To reach an innovation – so maximum impact – of the business model we must change at least 2 variables: if we sell our products to companies through web platforms, we have not made innovation; instead if we sell workshops with our products to companies through an agent who contacts them, that is a completely new model and potentially a so-called game changer!
👉 We’ve been fixating on this theory. It's fascinating because it helps to evaluate different options and make informed decisions but we think it can be made more intuitive. What do you think? Have you ever tried to think in these terms?

🌈 Creative Takeaway : business on its own it’s not enough
Very often we look at each other, we see the depth of the dark circles around our eyes (😂) and we ask ourselves: “Do we still like what we do? Is it worth it?”. A business that works doesn’t always mean that there is personal satisfaction. Why do we do it? For money, for power, for freedom? In our opinion, answering these questions is as important as innovating business models (maybe even more!).
On the other hand, if at a certain point entrepreneurs lose their minds, the company goes down with them 👻

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea from Sefirot

To get an idea on our driver (what drives us to do what we do) we often draw a card from intùiti (spreading them out face down or face up, it makes no difference) and then, we start thinking from there!

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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🔮 Did you know that we also have a Telegram group where you can connect with other creatives?