Creative Bulletin n.82

The editors are putting the last touch ups on the video course for the advanced use of Fabula (it’ll be available soon!!!) And we’ve discovered that Andrea has an excellent relationship with the camera while Matteo looks at it as if it were about to shoot him 😂
🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week
- We have started editing Mario, the first novel we will publish, and we are loving the process. Among other things, this gives us the opportunity to test the very first version of Fabula for Editing 😉
- Talking about Fabula for Editing: Dalia, the editor who’s working with us on the project, is expanding the instruction booklet and she is doing an excellent job. This product will be one to be proud of.
- We have moved the warehouse to Italy again (and hopefully it's the last time 😅).
- We managed to understand how to deal with OSS, the new way to manage intra-EU VAT, an extremely complex and delicate issue, to the point that we asked our accountant to write an article on the subject, and he accepted! This will be essential for anyone who has an e-commerce.
🦊🦊🦊 What we would like to do
Watching the recordings of Fabula’s video course we felt like something was missing. Andrea remembered when he had a class in front of him: he could talk about a project in the best way possible, bringing hundreds of examples, but in the end the students really learned when they put that knowledge into something practical.
For this reason we want to create another tool, a sort of extended index, in which to incorporate the exercises recommended for each lesson, a list that can be used to apply the ideas that arise from listening to the classes.
🍊🍊🍊 What we learned this week
Matteo's teacher has read our latest bulletins and told us that she feels that we are "kids", as if we try to belittle what we do, to make it smaller, telling it like it’s a game, and that we are afraid of really being great and to admit that Sefirot is already something new and important and that it will become even more so.
She’s right: we have always avoided exposing ourselves too much fearing we would come off as cocky.
🌈 Creative takeaway: growing up means defining yourself
How many times do we avoid saying who we really are for fear of being judged, of looking different, or of offending someone? And what exactly do we get out of this silence? That others can't get to know us and we end up limiting ourselves to a story we tell.
We were afraid of looking like we were bragging so we made ourselves smaller, but we want to stop doing it because you are our support (without you Sefirot would not exist) and, probably, feeling like you are supporting two kids is not fun.
We are not kids, we believe that what we are doing is extraordinary, that our products are capable of changing the lives of those who use them, and that ours are real innovations in the publishing field by which the entire industry will eventually be inspired.
And we are sure that this is just the beginning of the journey 🚀
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea from Sefirot
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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