Creative Bulletin n.86

Here's how we’ll spend the month of August: Andrea will edit the new products from the beaches of Sardinia while Matteo will finish writing Mario3 in a medieval tower in Romagna. Like last year, if you want to say hello to us, we'll be at Nòt Film Fest in Santarcangelo from the 23rd to the 29th of August 😉
🐐🐐🐐 What we will do in August + Call Beta Tester
- We will work on Fabula for Kids’ shipments. The container should arrive tomorrow (finally 🎉) and we will send all packages to those who pre-ordered the tool on Kickstarter or on the website.
- We will fine-tune our new tools, Fabula for editing and BAD, our tool for Business-Aware Design so…If you are interested in trying them out, get in touch 💪 Send us an email to with the subject "Beta tester for… ”and we will send you everything as soon as we are ready!
🍕🍕🍕 Vision board
There’s a new documentary series on Netflix called The Movies That Made Us. It tells the stories (and the difficulties) behind the making of movies like Jurassic Park, Back to the Future and Forrest Gump. We wouldn't have had credible animation of a T-Rex if Steve Williams, a stubborn animator, hadn't challenged his superiors by showing them the first animation prototype at a meeting with producer Kathleen Kennedy. We wouldn't have had Forrest Gump if director Robert Zemeckis and actor Tom Hanks hadn't decided to cut their salaries to stay in budget. And we wouldn’t have had Back to the Future with Michael J. Fox if Zemeckis, him again, hadn't made the courageous decision to throw away the first 5 weeks of shooting to do it all from the beginning with an actor more suited to the role of Marty McFly.
🌈 Creative Takeaway: It's always a good time to be crazy.
We often think: “Ah, but when they have a recognizable name, or are famous, powerful, then they can do whatever they want; but the rest of us who are still ‘small’ must compromise”. Actually, there are difficulties at any level and the difference is not just talent but really believing in what you are doing and having the courage to take responsibility for risky choices.
Basically: there is no need to wait to become "someone"; it's always a good time to be crazy 🎈
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
Sole is enjoying the tower too!
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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