Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.263 Where Do Ideas Come From? How is it that one day we wake up, have breakfast, start walking to work, and—there it is: the idea for a novel, a painting, a project, a film, or a recipe? Like a flower along our path, we can choose to pick it
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.262 While we’re putting the finishing touches on Fabula for non-fiction, I’m banging my head against a new tool (the one you see in the image) for creating ads on FB/IG. It’s a hotly debated topic—some say they don’t work that well, others argue they
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.261 For a week, every time I turned on the hot water in the kitchen, the boiler would shut down immediately. You can imagine my worry—I was already picturing cold showers, radiators off, and the dreaded verdict from the technician: "We need to replace everything!" In the end,
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.260 The development of Fabula for Non-fiction is moving forward! Soon, we’ll have a rock-solid tool for writing manuals, essays, and dissertations 💪 Having a plan. Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to follow a clear plan—launching multiple products to bring stability to the company—while also
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.259 Here’s one of the posts I’ve been sharing on IG as part of my attempt to capture the creative life. I’ve been doing this every day for over 100 days, and then, out of nowhere, this one went viral—over 600,000 views in the Italian version!
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.258 Yesterday, the Sefirot team came together to celebrate the launch of Brando, which has already secured the funding needed for its first production. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us 🙏 If you haven’t been following along, you can find all the details here:
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.257 Here’s Brando’s presentation video >> It was my first stop-motion project with the new equipment, something I worked on during the Christmas holidays (though I ended up hurting my back in the process 😅). How we’ll launch Brando. As always, through
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.256 We’re kicking off the year with a calendar of upcoming releases. Sefirot is ready to welcome new tools, and the months ahead promise to be packed with excitement: * January 21: Brando Deck, for creating and implementing brand strategies. * Late March: Fabula for Non-Fiction, a tool for writing manuals, essays,
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.255 Happy 2025 🎉 This year will be our grand year of launches—new products, new courses, new tools. It’s the year we’ll finally aim to “get serious.” As the intùiti card in the photo suggests, we’re gearing up to channel a lot of energy. We’ll need to
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.254 Yesterday I began shooting the stop-motion video for Brando, the branding tool we’ll be launching in the new year. Sole was amazing: he didn’t step into the frame even once! 😂 The importance of play. I had so much fun. I bought professional stop-motion software and worked from 3:
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.253 Exactly: we’ve completed the preliminary development of Fabula for non-fiction, the tool for writing manuals, theses, guides, and articles. It’s been quite a challenge because the process of writing non-fiction is far more creative and complex than that of fiction (novels). Just think of the endless possibilities—from
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.252 The two hefty books with the ADI Design selections (what a thrill to see BAD among the pages!) arrived just as I was about to write the bulletin, and I was wondering which photo to share this week. Nothing happens by chance. 😅 The secret to successful works. Since the release
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.251 So… who wants to take Brando, our new branding tool, for a spin? 😂 If you’d like to be a beta tester, fill out this form >> We’ll select the first 5 and another 3 chosen randomly from the list! Good luck! Creativity sometimes
Creative Bulletin Technical Bulletin n.1 Last week, Luca—one of the incredibly talented developers working with us (it’s thanks to them that our site runs so smoothly!)—surprised me by sending me his “technical bulletin.” It’s a great pleasure for me to share it with all of you: Technical Bulletin The Dark Side
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.249 These are three copies of The Creative Ambush printed by three different printers in three different cities. Why? Well, the first supplier had delivery times that were far too slow, and we were running out of stock; the second one delayed us twice and wouldn’t answer the phone; and
ambush Benchmarking, novelty and theft I often get mad at students and juniors for not doing what is called “benchmarking”, which is the study and comparison of competitors and similar products. Basically: if we are designing a plastic chair, we must study other plastic chairs; if we are designing a book, we must study other
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.248 As promised, here’s a sneak peek at the visuals for our new product, holaciao, which brings an entirely different approach to rapid language learning 🔥 A Magic Formula for Creativity. Along with the many compliments I’ve received for The Creative Ambush, some readers have expressed disappointment in not finding
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.247 According to the guidelines, we had to keep things under wraps until October 31, but now we can finally share it: BAD Canvas has been selected by the ADI Design Index as one of the best examples of Italian design. This means it’s now eligible for further consideration for
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.246 Progress on Brando, our new branding product, is moving along well. The cards are nearly complete, and soon we’ll begin the final phase of testing! 🎉 Next week, I hope to share the first images of holaciao, our language learning tool. I’m working with an incredibly talented designer, and
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.245 My to-do list, with all its deadlines, is dedicated entirely to developing new products. On top of that, I still have to deal with regular management tasks—and unfortunately, the unexpected ones too—the kind that waste your time and make you want to scream 😅 Eyes on the ball. I’
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.244 Here we’re working on new products. Can we all agree that this is a branding tool? 😂 The plan for 2025. I'm preparing to expand as much as possible. We're working to launch a new product each month for the first six months of the new
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.243 I’ve finally started posting on Instagram 💪 It’s something I “should have done a long time ago,” but I never really felt passionate about it. Just like with the Bulletin, I just needed the right reason. When I decided to continue the work of The Creative Ambush, sharing thought-provoking
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.242 Every morning, I meditate. And like clockwork, as soon as I reach the deepest part, Sole sits down next to me on my right and stays there until I open my eyes. I’m working on feeling good. During meditation, I focus on gratitude and try to let go of
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.241 I often speak about my spiritual teacher. Those who have followed me for a while know this. She was the one who helped me develop intùiti, taught me to be mindful, to tell the truth, and who, more than anyone else, helped shape who I am today. I no longer
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.240 First drafts of the graphics for our new branding tool. They’re pretty awful, but hey, you’ve got to start somewhere 😂 As I write in The Creative Ambush, much of the creative process involves having faith that, at some point, through trial and error, the solution will come that