Creative Bulletin n.199

For the past two days I have been working very hard on the creativity manual I am writing. To avoid filling pages and pages with gibberish, I imagined I had to prep a college class so I started pacing back and forth in the living room talking to myself out loud for hours jolting down notes. It worked 😉
Talking to you. As I mentioned in the last bulletin, Thursday and Friday afternoons are devoted to calls to get to know you better and to understand how we can be even more helpful to you. In addition to being amazing from a human standpoint (thank you again to those who have taken the time ❤️) since we talk about creativity, dreams, joke around, laugh, the calls are also proving to be an enlightening exchange.
👉 For example, we discovered that many of you would like some mentoring (or coaching) on the use of the tools, and we realized that we too would like to get more involved with your projects and lend you an actual hand!
Little creatives are all grown up. Sara and Simone on November 15th celebrated one-year at Sefirot (🎉🎉🎉🎉) and I noticed that they have become very skilled and attentive. Simone started to propose ideas and projects that are very consistent with what we do and with our needs, and Sara has independently formatted the two new books that are coming out soon. This morning it really hit me and it came as a bit of a shock that filled me with pride - I thought, "Wow, how far we've come." I wanted to take the opportunity to say good job to Sara and Simo 😘
A misunderstanding about creativity. A person who has been reading the bulletin (at least until last week) sent me a long email to tell me that she no longer wanted to receive the newsletter because the aggressiveness with which I talk about creativity, blocks, dissatisfaction, making it through one's projects, getting angry, etc. made her very uncomfortable.
I thought about it: especially now that I'm writing the creativity manual, I realized that I am actually very blunt and I emphasize several times that living creatively is primarily managing the fluctuation between dissatisfaction and glory, where one moment you feel miserable and the next you're on top of the world. In fact, in the manual I really try to teach how to step into discomfort and accept it 😂
🌈 Creative takeaway: creativity is conflict
When I tell my creative friends about the manual, their eyes light up: they have met and struggled with the discomfort I'm talking about and they don't want to pretend it doesn't exist, they actually treat it with respect.
They know that when you're standing in that position and you don't like what you've written, drawn, painted, designed, there's no use in playing nice: it's a conflict you have to enter, it's painful every time, and they know that it is that very conflict is the adventure.
Without it there wouldn't even be creativity.
With ❤️,
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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🔮 Did you know that we also have a Telegram group where you can connect with other creatives?