Creative Bulletin n.242

Creative Bulletin n.242

Every morning, I meditate. And like clockwork, as soon as I reach the deepest part, Sole sits down next to me on my right and stays there until I open my eyes.

I’m working on feeling good. During meditation, I focus on gratitude and try to let go of negative thoughts, anger, and anything that drains my energy or wears me out.

Lately, I’ve noticed that I’m constantly thinking about how to grow, how to hit certain goals, how to find help. It’s always how, how, how. I end up spinning in circles, scattered by restless thoughts.

Less "how" and more "what." I’ve been given this advice before, but it only clicked a few days ago. I stopped stressing about how to do things and started focusing on what I actually want to do: I’ve read five books on brand naming to build a new tool, moved forward with two other products, and started reaching out to graphic designers to collaborate with.

Now, I’m happier, I’ve got more energy, and things are falling into place on their own: two foreign publishers have reached out about translating The Ambush 🎉, and I’ve connected with some great partners who are excited to help.

🌈 Creative takeaway: Focus on what you can control, and trust the rest will follow

I know how to make products and launch them. I know how to come up with ideas, write, design, and tell my story. Those are things I can control, things I’m good at. 
But what I’m not great at—what some other entrepreneurs do so well—is actively seeking out collaborations and growth opportunities. The world feels too big, and I get overwhelmed.
So, I’ve decided to let that go. I’m focusing on my products, like little boats I’m sending out to sea.
Someone will respond ⭐️

With ❤️,

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin I tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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