Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.180 We’re about to print a new batch of Fabula (🎉🎉🎉) and we decided to try a hard pack for the occasion. The one in the photo is the prototype we made ourselves to test the graphic design (designers, always print as you design 😂) We can't wait to see
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.179 No bulletin last week because I was in Umbria attending a shamanic training. It was an intense, impossible to describe five days. Yesterday, while we were doing the weekly briefing and Daniela was reminding me of the endless list of backlogged tasks with my name on it, I was explaining
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.178 Monday night I held a presentation on the Mario' series for the release of Mario4. Thanks again to Andrea, events manager of laFeltrinelli libraries, for organizing, and to those who came to support 🙏 🐈🐈🐈 What we’ve been up to The post-book fair recovery is always tough and finding back
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.177 This is us at the Turin Book Fair. We had so much to do that we remembered to take a group photo only at the last minute, as we were already dismantling the booth 😂 ❤️❤️❤️ Nice things from the Fair * This year the team worked so well, and I’d like
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.176 Hear ye, hear ye! We will be at the stand W69 of the Oval pavilion during the Turin Book Fair. Yep, that’s a Sefirot mug❤️ Come and get yours! You’ll find us here ‘till the 22nd. 🧠🧠🧠 About the Fair * The stand. The assembly is going smoothly. We have
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.175 Yesterday we shot some videos for Cicero's ads. In the picture you can see Simone and Sara (I'm inside the camera along with Sole, my cat 😅). After a few rather cheesy shots, in which I looked into the camera to say why and how Cicero is
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.174 Matteo here. From now on I’ll be writing the bulletin in first person since Andrea left Sefirot’s executive board. We hadn't felt aligned for some time, so last week I suggested that he take a more peripheral role and stay on as an author. And he
Creative Bulletin Creative survey n.1 We talked about us for over 172 weeks 😂 So now we thought it was the right time to pass the mic to you and get to know you better: who you are, what you think, what you do, what makes you tic. We created a short survey (5 min tops
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.172 We are almost ready to go to print with BAD 🤟 It took us a while because we were designing a better system for pulling out the book and cards, and in the picture you can see the end result. We are very happy with it! 🦊🦊🦊 What we’ve been up
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.171 Yesterday Matteo had the flu. It turned out to be a blessing: he stayed home and drew the cover of Mario4. He hadn't felt that creative in weeks. It reminded him that to do things with intensity you must take a moment for yourself, turn off your cell
Creative Bulletin Creative bulletin n.170 Sefirot's branded foosball table is here ❤️❤️❤️ It will be made by Garlando, the very company that invented the foosball table! If you’re planning to go to the Turin Book Fair in May, come and challenge us 😉 🔥🔥🔥 Our week * We ended up on Rai Movie channel (one of
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.169 In the photo you can see the hazel tree under which Matteo's first cat, Sefirot, is buried (he passed away the day before we went to the notary to register the name of the company). Matteo planted the hazel tree 4 and a half years ago, it is
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.167 As we often say, we are the first users of our products. In fact, when Matteo the other night, felt like he was ready to really work on his new novel, he pulled down the paintings and hung Fabula on the wall. The funny part is that he was surprised
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.161 We got a little tired of telling you that BAD is doing great and that we are working on this and that (you’re probably fed up with it too 😅), we end up repeating ourselves and repetition is the opposite of creativity. Instead, we thought about telling you about the
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.160 Yesterday morning Matteo woke up and he had an epiphany: he didn't want to do Facebook ads in a "quick and easy" way anymore, he felt like trying to treat them like real ads. 👉 So he called Sara and Simone, they went to a café and
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.159 Here we are, looking like a true team, about to launch BAD’s Kickstarter campaign ❤️ up to that point it was a truly glorious day (one hour after the launch, the adrenaline dropped and you could see the exhaustion on our faces 😂). The following day wasn’t as nice: we
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.158 We booked our flights: right before the end of BAD’s Kickstarter campaign, we’ll head to San Francisco for three weeks looking for investors, partnerships but mostly a new vision. We’ll be there from February 13th to March 3rd. If any of you is around the area we
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.157 You know those days when things just won’t work? Matteo had one of those yesterday: he tried recording a video tutorial for BAD’s Kickstarter campaign and he couldn't manage. At the end he gave up and he shot it this morning. Enjoy the result 😂 >>
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.156 We wish you happy holidays and we take this chance to celebrate with you BAD’s Kickstarter campaign being approved 🎉🎉🎉 In the first few weeks of 2023 we’ll be ready to launch 🚀 If you want to reserve a preferred spot, you can do it here >> https://www.
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.155 We made it with the Dall-e AI. The keyword was: “Santa Claus riding a giant black cat digital art” ❤️ if you want to see the rest of the art, you can find it here >> New year, new product We’re getting close
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.154 We’re starting to see the results of the hard work our digital communication team has been putting towards our Instagram pages. There’s even a dedicated format on Mario ❤️ Like every creative person in the world, they too can’t wait to get your feedback. If you feel like
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.153 This could’ve been us during the intùiti event in Turin but… it’s not! We had so much fun that we forgot to take a picture 😂 thank you again for the marvelous evening ❤️ A huge mistake An oversight is acceptable: it used to happen in school during a math
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.152 BAD’s video is finally here and ready to be used for our Kickstarter campaign ❤️❤️❤️ You can see it here >> If you hit the CC icon on the lower right side, you’ll activate subtitles. Let us know what you think! 🦊🦊🦊 What we’
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.150 This is our first video bulletin ❤️ Let us know what you think! With ❤️, Matteo and Andrea *** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin *** In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company. 🕰 If you want to read past Bulletins, you can find them here
Creative Bulletin Creative Bulletin n.149 Among the crazy things that made this last week interesting, we can mention the idea that Matteo had yesterday: create animations where our products are heroes that fight for… creativity! 🔥🔥🔥 When the idea is silly, take it up a notch From an idea that had all the elements to be